Products Brought to Manufacture

Products either I had lead or lone development responsibilities, or as part of a team

Product Customer Year Capacity Description
Mitutoya-Puma Interface NYIT/American Hydron 1985 Software Interface between a Mitutoya micrometer and a Puma robot.
In-Flight Automated Announcement System NYIT/Dumont Electronicam 1987 Complete Product 8085 and a cassette mechanism to automate in-flight announcements
Suckbot NYIT 1987 Some systems, software, hardware
(minor participation)
Mobile cleaning robot for office's with ultrasonic guidance
NYTEC robot NYIT/Acrobe Automation 1988 Software, hardware, systems 5 axis industrial robot arm.  Off-the shelf industrial controller and servo amplifiers. 
Intelligent Servo Amplifier
Intelligent Inegrated Systems 1990 Complete Product, Marketing , Sales,
Hardware Design, Mechanical, Software, Systems
1KW DC all digital servo motor controller.  Position loop, velocity loop, current loop, trajectory generator, and a motor control languageall written in tight 8051 assembly language.
Servo Trainer Intelligent Integrated Systems 1991 Complete Product, Marketing, Sales, Hardware, Mechanical, Software Systems 2 axis "robot" and servo control training system for educators
Gripper Force Controller Telerobotics Inc 1992 Software, Hardware Hybrid Position/Force control system for a robotic gripper. 
Glass Etching Machine Intelligent Integrated Systems 1991 Software Programming for ISA motor controller for custom machine
Printing Press Controller Javin Mfg Co 1989 Hardware PLC controller for printing press
Digital Ergometer Biomechanics Corp America 1990 Hardware Software 8051 battery operated EMG (muscle activity) device
Repetitive Motion Syndrome Risk Assesment Meter Biomechanics Corp Amerioca 1991 Complete Product, Hardware, Software, Mechanical 8051 battery operated EMG and Goinometer sensors.  Assesses the risk for RMS over tested tasks.
(very cool meter!)
16 Channel EMG Dynamic Range of Motion 1992 Hardware, Software Medical Diagnostic tool with PC interface and display software
Linemans Third Arm LILCO 1993 Systems 20 foot fiberglass robotic arm to aid service of electrical utility poles
Linemans Third Arm Gripper LILCO 1994 Mechanical, FEA analysis Hydraulic gripper with parallelogram type mechanism.
8051 Trainer Kelvin Electronics 1992 Complete Product, Software, Hardware Microprocessor training board for Educators
The Micro Giant
8088 Trainer
Kelvin Electronics 1992 Complete Product, Software, Hardware Microprocessor training board for Educators
Analog Trainer Kelvin Electronics 1993 Complete Product, Hardware Analog/Digital circuits training board for Educators
Vending Counter Private Investor 1994 Complete Product, Hardware, Software Product to count vending machine actuations to cross check vend honesty
Personal Power Meter Intellisys 1994 Complete Product, Marketing, Hardware, Software Plug in device to monitor appliance power usage and provide service warnings.
Monet Lighting Switch Leviton Inc 1995 Hardware. Software Lighting control with relay for multi location scene lighting control
Utility Load Shed Module Leviton Inc 1994 Hardware, Sofware Echelon power line communicating device to calculate Load power and switch load for load shed applications.
InfraRed Remote for Dimmer Leviton Inc 1995 Hardware, Software Battery IR remote to dim lights.  Platform hardware for receiver.
Communicating Occupancy Sensor Levton Inc 1996 Project Management Echelon power line communicating device
Dimmer Leviton Inc 1996 Project Management Echelon power line communicating device
(Electronic) Switch Leviton Inc 1996 Project Management Echelon power line communicating device
Occupancy Sensor power supply Levition Inc 1997 Power Supply (Hardware) Power Supply of (and subsequent pantent for) the ODS-15 occ sensor.  This was a platform device.
900 Mhz Cordless Digital Telephone
Lucent Inc 1998 Software 8051 handset and base telephone.  Uses DECT comm stack.
00 Mhz Cordless Digital Telephone w/ Answering Machine
Lucent Inc 1999 Software 8051, radio,  DECT based acknowledged service.
Caller ID display
Lucent Inc/Phillips Consumer Communications 1999 Software 8051 based Caller ID display w/LCD
Caller ID/ Answering Machine
Lucent Inc/Phillips Consumer Communications 1999 Software 8051 based Caller ID and answering machine w/LCD
HCCPG Leviton Inc 2000 Software, Hardware Whole House Automation Controller. 8051 based X-10 power line communicating device, Astronomical Clock, LCD, timers...
HCA-02 Leviton Inc 2002 Sofware, Hardware PIC based X-10 power line signal repeater
HCC0P Leviton Inc 2003 Software, Hardware PIC based plug in X-10 to RS-232 interface
Acenti line of electronic Dimmers/Switches Leviton Inc. 2004 Project Management Line of Architectural Dimmers and Switches
Resonant Charger Spellman HV Corp for Cymer Inc 2006 Software, Digital Hardware TMS320 DSP and Altera Cyclone FPGA and PC software to control/monitor High Power, High Frequency resonant laser charger
High Voltage Supply for X-ray Spellman HV Corp for Toshiba 2005 Software, Digital Hardware TMS320 DSP, Altera Cyclone 2, and PC software to control/monitor High voltage supply.
High Voltage Supply for X-ray Spellman HV Corp for L3 2008 Software, Digital Hardware TMS320 DSP, Altera Cyclone 2 FPGA and PC diagnostic software.
6550 IPS Cox and Company for Lear jet 2009 Analog Circuit Design Design of logic supplies, I/O, SCR circuitry, ARINC for Ice Protection System
6540 EDU Cox and Company for Northrop Grumman 2010 Analog Design Design of Energy Distribution Unit (EDU)to to heat 48 channels and 'thump' 24 channels.
6541 IPS Cox and Company for Northrop Grumman 2011 Analog Design, some PC software C# Design of main Controller for ice protection system to co-ordinate  EDU.